Photography is a part of my life. Even now, all I have left is to share some of my photographic skills with you in a time of restriction. I like a style, a process that I can call my own. I want a simpler set of camera settings. My photographs are where I found minimalism, essentialism, Eastern and Western philosophy, process, guide, a set of basic rules, and creativity. Photography dramatically changed me and my art, and as a result, changed my artistic style. I became free, I found happiness, joy in sentimentality, and acceptance of what life can offer. I create photographs like the philosophers and artists. I read about, and I am enlightened, I have found Zen. My post-processing is now simpler and removes clutter from my creative life. Yes, this is all I need. Use my visual table and follow me if you like.
Zoran Veljanoski Letra,
Professor of history, the technology of photography, art, and applied photography.